QAnon - Did Snowden Drop a Post on 8 Chan? Anons think so

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:13:21 he's been hawkish on russia and china
@00:15:46 with north korea he's done it with china
@00:24:59 business connected to china down she
@00:27:00 to china for god's sakes he owned a big
@00:27:15 like from china it was like a company
@00:27:21 who doesn't get things from china okay
@00:28:47 have a field day with this china thing
@00:44:28 china now these two posts are not
@00:44:46 it but anyway facebook building a china


@00:46:01 happen is the news will unlock the map


@00:37:41 blackmailed on the island on epstein
@00:38:14 on the epstein people freedom day good
@00:38:46 epstein island part you know you know i
@00:42:30 represented epstein


@00:20:11 this may be trying to bait iran because
@00:20:13 iran supposed to be next okay so hang in


@00:46:58 trafficking trump signs law to push
@00:48:11 not sex trafficking is not funny to me
@00:48:24 maybe not the sex trafficking but i'm


@00:13:23 that's added up to mr. sessions is
@00:14:38 sessions now all right and then the next

Deep state

@00:25:58 pompeyo would enter a state department
@00:26:05 tillerson for deep budget steep budget


@00:06:18 gives a drop from sarah carter's twitter
@00:06:24 sarah carter's twitter um said this this
@00:08:22 got a twitter feed of donald trump and
@00:14:46 stuff you know this twitter status from
@00:15:12 twitter i don't know if you can see this
@00:47:30 twitter etc honey pots cue so let me
@00:47:39 instagram think ray chandler twitter etc

false flag

@00:16:11 knows that this was a false flag syria
@00:16:13 was a false flag
@00:19:00 was a false flag attack hello you had
@00:26:34 crisis will happen or false flag i mean

Inspector General

@00:47:11 that's not inspector general it's


@00:07:50 dossier or actually for the for the fisa
@00:07:55 evidence that was used not just the fisa
@00:11:41 fisa warrant he had a meeting with

North Korea

@00:15:46 with north korea he's done it with china


@00:12:49 basically he was brought in by flynn
@00:12:57 flynn and when flynn left he left and
@00:13:42 several appointees of mr. flynn who were
@00:14:33 he was appointed by flynn so we have


@00:05:06 resignations that happen that is related


@00:19:57 got we have finally got proof and or you

Saudi Arabia

@00:15:43 okay he didn't in saudi arabia he did it
@00:17:18 this stuff i saw this happen at saudi
@00:17:21 arabia he goes over there and he