Perfectly Coordinated, The [CB] Took The Trade War Bait - Episode 2017a
from X22Report
uploaded on Nov 10, 2019
@00:02:48 gonna be talking about china this is all
@00:02:51 being done on purpose china last week
@00:03:39 imf says an interim uist china trade
@00:04:11 deal if he has a signed deal with china
@00:04:16 was waited for everything to go to china
@00:04:39 china essentially we're sending china
@00:04:52 us-china deficit means
@00:04:54 china has less dollars to distribute as
@00:05:14 trump makes this new deal with china no
@00:07:20 george soros amazon equals jeff bezos
Deep state
@00:07:36 department of justice and us the fisa