US/Russia De-escalation Agreement Is A Distraction, The War Agenda Moves Forward -- Episode 343

from X22Report



@00:09:57 the solar company from china the
@00:20:34 to india through northwest china and
@00:20:47 hydrocarbons both in china and in india


@00:16:14 facebook you know twitter whatever

false flag

@00:34:07 do this main false flag event they want
@00:34:39 false flag event occurs now the number
@00:34:59 there is a false flag coming they have
@00:35:39 false flag event it could be used in a
@00:35:43 biological weapon like i said this false
@00:35:46 flag event that they are preparing we're
@00:37:00 situation if there is some type of false
@00:37:04 flag event here cyber attacks biological

North Korea

@00:17:08 makes no sense whatsoever now north
@00:17:11 korea is going to be moving their
@00:17:17 korea and us soldiers march during a
@00:17:22 military training field north korea of
@00:17:39 north korea is moving their mobile

Saudi Arabia

@00:05:48 billions of dollars to yemen to saudi
@00:05:52 arabia to iraq to lebanon libya to south