A New Currency Emerges As The Old Currency Withers Away, Welcome To The Transition - Episode 1355a

from X22Report



@00:06:22 that he wants to know what china has
@00:06:58 some of the information to china and we
@00:08:29 in china we have many other corporations
@00:08:41 china and it's going to affect walmart
@00:08:49 course china does not like this.what
@00:08:55 remember once again china does hold all
@00:18:17 completely china russia iran syria and


@00:18:17 completely china russia iran syria and

Deep state

@00:07:07 elite with the deep state with the
@00:07:40 trump is looking into this and the deep
@00:07:42 state is a little worried about this now
@00:08:09 power the deep state the central bank's