In An Act Of Desperation All Agendas Are Pushed, Prepare Yourself For The Big One - Episode 1306b

from X22Report



@00:17:30 we know that mccain has visited syria


@00:07:12 and china with other countries and
@00:11:01 were turning towards russia and china


@00:17:34 iran ukraine and he speaks with the paid


@00:10:44 to go after the cia drug trafficking


@00:02:03 testimony that comey gave and the
@00:07:40 comey was the director of the fbi under


@00:02:05 testimony that jeff sessions gave well

Deep state

@00:06:05 funding to the elite to the deep state
@00:12:14 together right now the deep state does
@00:12:47 the deep state because this has been
@00:17:53 the deep state is so entrenched in
@00:22:01 this is the deep state telegraphing what

false flag

@00:06:49 actually with this falsi flank false
@00:06:52 flag event that happened on the baseball
@00:18:10 called off now was this a false flag to
@00:18:36 false flag which happened in