Think About The Economic Plan, Put It All Together What Do You See - Episode 1934a

from X22Report



@00:04:00 stopped china trade practices with the
@00:04:28 reworking the trade deal with china now
@00:05:50 it in many ways including with china you
@00:05:53 may have read a little bit about china
@00:06:40 now trump went on to say that china has
@00:06:52 china he's using tariffs as leverage and
@00:07:01 china deal see it's not working it's
@00:07:38 went to china yes some went to other
@00:08:21 moved to china and some other countries
@00:08:24 but mostly china now trump the patriots
@00:08:34 united states or move them out of china
@00:09:06 deal that quickly with china if he did
@00:09:17 china using it as leverage
@00:09:20 pushing countries out of china into some
@00:09:30 out of china it will be too expensive to
@00:09:34 move back into china think about that
@00:09:40 china is using tariffs and companies are
@00:09:43 moving out of china how do you bring
@00:10:11 pushing the companies out of china this
@00:10:24 china they know that companies will be
@00:10:34 companies just leave china and many more
@00:10:53 deal with china or maybe he'll wait a
@00:11:01 companies move out of china than
@00:12:06 china as the focal point to let everyone
@00:12:19 they're watching what happens with china
@00:12:24 them and trump is using china as

Deep state

@00:03:21 everyone the mainstream media deep state
@00:08:08 for years the deep state the central