James Gunn Of Hollywood Is In Some Trouble Thanks To 4Chan!!

from TRUreporting



@00:06:13 know pasta and walnut sauce these are


@00:01:57 twitter some years ago anton's find the
@00:02:24 cp this is currently trending on twitter
@00:02:42 we will use on twitter so you know
@00:03:36 since deleted his twitter and shut down
@00:05:38 promoting pedophilia on twitter and
@00:11:44 want to follow me on twitter at true


@00:05:44 filled with pedophile occult and
@00:07:08 was a convicted pedophile
@00:08:48 here 7:20 2018 pedophile james gunn

Pizza gate

@00:00:07 but i thought pizza gate wasn't real
@00:00:50 hollywood more pizza gate related stuff
@00:00:56 thought pizza gate wasn't real hashtag
@00:01:25 let's go ahead and hop into this pizza
@00:01:27 gate stuff right this whole pizza gate
@00:05:30 croak and always on top of the pizza
@00:05:33 gate stuff going down exposed for
@00:05:51 still think pizza gate hashtag pizza
@00:05:53 gate it's fake so we look at this we see
@00:05:57 attacking the girl we see pizza more
@00:10:25 resurfaced pizza gate hashtag and ons
@00:10:39 and all of this pizza got gate stuff