US Is Losing Control In The Middle East As More Countries Turn Towards Russia - Episode 801b

from X22Report



@00:06:51 see right now china is the leader in
@00:07:18 china russia will control it and they
@00:09:54 the artificial islands built in china so
@00:10:24 they're doing this to provoke china into
@00:10:42 to wait and see i'm hoping china is

false flag

@00:19:29 setting up a complete false flag here
@00:21:07 because they're planning a false flag
@00:21:19 of this up for the big false flag

North Korea

@00:07:24 canal anymore now out in north korea
@00:08:34 william jerry boykin north korea was the
@00:09:25 out the middle east and we see in north
@00:09:27 korea to spy and to stir up revolutions