Feb27 - Elite on Ropes, Antarctic Military Movement? & Indie Journalists Unite!

from Destroying the Illusion


Human trafficking

@00:01:09 front we had trump hold his human
@00:01:14 trafficking press conference late last


@00:01:14 trafficking press conference late last
@00:04:46 uh the drug trafficking whistleblower
@00:04:49 exposing the cia drug trafficking they


@00:00:39 i started a twitter and a facebook
@00:00:58 to date on my twitter and facebook also
@00:03:21 twitter account both went dark i think
@00:03:24 twitter account deleted all the videos


@00:06:32 the that's from the pedophile aspect of
@00:06:35 things the pedophile angle but we also
@00:11:17 pedophile things kind of connecting some


@00:03:30 pulled a ben swan went underground

Pizza gate

@00:03:50 probably the most renowned pizza gate
@00:04:01 whatnot but he was primarily pizza gate