Arlington Corruption, POTUS Human Trafficking & Wall, Clintons Exposed by NBC

from dnajlion7



@00:04:58 about selling our secrets to china and


@00:04:04 obama era uranium one deal deal gave
@00:04:10 mining uranium and us despite assurances
@00:04:12 the uranium had left the us department
@00:04:22 called uranium one deal
@00:04:37 uranium one which at the time controlled
@00:04:39 20% of the uranium supply license for
@00:04:55 they all of this stuff about uranium one

Human trafficking

@00:00:57 human trafficking now he goes on he's
@00:01:03 about the human trafficking in regards
@00:01:14 why the walls needed to curb human all
@00:01:16 levels of human trafficking including


@00:03:42 for enemies and iran in north korea


@00:00:57 human trafficking now he goes on he's
@00:01:03 about the human trafficking in regards
@00:01:16 levels of human trafficking including
@00:01:19 child sex trafficking so i wanted to
@00:04:48 been a vast child sex trafficking empire


@00:03:49 twitter feed from barbara flynn barbara


@00:06:03 the major child sex pedophile ring he
@00:06:07 major major child sex pedophile ring he

Bush funeral

@00:01:26 notes being passed around a bush
@00:01:28 senior's funeral to the wives of these


@00:01:50 name is finn castle underground but he
@00:02:26 literally have a base and underground

North Korea

@00:03:42 for enemies and iran in north korea


@00:03:49 twitter feed from barbara flynn barbara

Timothy Holmseth

@00:05:45 of all this and this is why as timothy
@00:05:47 holmes eff says president trump has