Pedophile Army General, Ginsberg on Death's Door

from dnajlion7



@00:11:25 child sex trafficking but i don't
@00:11:44 trafficking i'm very grateful for that

Military tribunals

@00:04:16 uniform code of military justice
@00:04:21 restoring the military tribunals to to
@00:04:24 not only apply to the military which had


@00:12:31 managed as my patreon and my twitter my


@00:02:52 just happened pedophile army general
@00:03:03 pedophile judge for raping a victim from

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:00:51 ah let's start off with justice ruth
@00:00:58 bader ginsburg she was in the news again
@00:01:03 video on ruth bader ginsburg she is she
@00:01:28 three days to go ruth bader ginsburg
@00:02:30 definitely the case for ruth bader
@00:02:33 ginsburg who has advocated child sex


@00:03:06 i smell mkultra purple too so i'm gonna