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from TRUreporting


Human trafficking

@00:03:56 was working against human trafficking in
@00:20:29 millions from drugs in human trafficking


@00:09:57 it is go time guys let's move on to iran
@00:10:01 iran situation with the oil tanker
@00:10:06 into war i can see why iran would do it
@00:10:11 why is trump saying iran did this q has
@00:10:16 iran so why try to publicly drag us into
@00:10:31 let's make sense of it we know iran
@00:10:36 iran did it it is the assessment of the
@00:10:38 us government that iran is responsible
@00:10:50 state is adamant about attacking iran
@00:11:01 blame iran and make the case for another
@00:11:09 wanted a and blaming iran for it who
@00:11:41 leverage of iran today
@00:11:43 potus took control of iran today with
@00:11:51 against them free iran fight fight fight
@00:12:07 iran talk iran is next marker right so
@00:12:22 north korea armenia armenia iran i
@00:12:26 ran israel iran is next kill box right


@00:01:53 trafficking when murdered my friends a
@00:03:23 senators investigating child trafficking
@00:03:56 was working against human trafficking in
@00:16:51 shall trafficking from mexico fake ids
@00:17:24 what goes on with trafficking and
@00:20:14 this that i just read trafficking for
@00:20:29 millions from drugs in human trafficking
@00:20:58 york arrested for trafficking for nexium
@00:21:57 and trafficking and all sorts of things

William Barr

@00:21:29 talking to william barr this picture is
@00:21:46 see justice from william bar very

Deep state

@00:19:11 protection while deep state makes a


@00:16:46 him on twitter
@00:18:26 him on twitter we can see here trust
@00:23:49 follow me on twitter at true reporting

Satanic rituals

@00:16:56 satanic rituals top democrat politicians
@00:20:19 to deport girls satanic rituals top


@00:12:13 looking at almost a year delta here

North Korea

@00:12:19 is important saudi arabia north korea
@00:12:22 north korea armenia armenia iran i


@00:16:51 shall trafficking from mexico fake ids
@00:20:16 mexico fake ids for sex slaves threats


@00:08:21 flynn news he
@00:08:27 national security adviser michael flynn
@00:08:36 ordered flynn and his new counsel to
@00:08:53 flynn 60 years old fired his previous
@00:09:03 it is noted that flynn might testify


@00:14:13 politico now this is a great q proof

Linda Smith

@00:01:44 made in connection to death of linda
@00:01:47 colin smith also we see here were two
@00:03:37 former arkansas state senator linda
@00:03:39 colin smith was found shot to death in
@00:03:48 on the scene the body of linda colin
@00:03:51 smith was wrapped in a blanket
@00:05:30 connection to the death of linda colin
@00:05:32 smith according to a statement from the
@00:05:40 arkansas state senator linda colin smith
@00:05:43 arrest in linda colin smith homicides
@00:06:03 state senator linda collin smith rebecca

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:15 april 23rd 2018 think saudi arabia order
@00:12:19 is important saudi arabia north korea
@00:12:39 attack attack attack saudi arabia