[DS] Panicking, Fear Creeping In, Narrative Lost, Shadow Presidency Exposed WW - Episode 2182b

from X22Report



@00:34:14 all will be right after durham q is


@00:19:15 of impeachment coordinate with china to
@00:19:33 senate held january 15th china phase 1
@00:21:45 remainder of china was locked down for
@00:22:06 did the rest of china remain locked down
@00:24:48 in india and china weeks after trump's
@00:25:36 deal that he was making with china


@00:18:03 north a key figure in that iran-contra
@00:20:23 iran nuclear weapons program in onlooker


@00:25:51 modeling shows coronavirus pandemic in


@00:04:33 brennan clapper comey because as more
@00:16:55 installed at trump tower brennan


@00:04:33 brennan clapper comey because as more
@00:05:41 revealing neither the comey fbi nor
@00:14:58 where comey says they're doing it by the
@00:15:12 security perspective comey said he does
@00:15:19 russian ambassador kissling act comey
@00:15:25 president obama asked if comey was
@00:15:49 told comey keep the info about the


@00:15:55 sessions and anyone else in trump's

Deep state

@00:00:39 and the top of the episode is deep state
@00:01:22 geopolitical news now we know the deep
@00:01:25 state the mainstream media that ease
@00:01:50 to keep their state locked down
@00:01:53 but the deep state that mainstream media
@00:17:45 for private spies to counter deep state
@00:18:27 deep state enemies in the intelligence
@00:38:24 right now is that everything the deep
@00:38:26 state has tried to do it is falling
@00:39:07 deep state is losing control and cue the


@00:25:41 working post 4316 uses a twitter link
@00:26:42 post 4317 this is a twitter link to
@00:28:45 power post 4319 it gives us a twitter


@00:05:12 that general michael flynn had been
@00:05:21 admitted he had nothing on flynn he was
@00:05:30 who in 2013 fired flynn as dia head on
@00:15:31 to flynn kkoma replied potentially so it
@00:15:53 trump administration from flynn from