[CB]/[DS] Economic Plan Blocked, Plenty Of Oil - Episode 1971a

from X22Report



@00:09:54 producer prices in china shrank most in

William Barr

@00:01:09 ounce solid silver bullion bar together

Deep state

@00:00:44 deep state economic plan blocked plenty
@00:01:27 we know the central bank the deep state
@00:05:29 the deep state where they're trying to
@00:15:12 deep state central bank plan was blocked

Saudi Arabia

@00:10:41 happened in saudi arabia we need a
@00:10:59 weekend saudi arabia the processing
@00:11:30 about what just happened since saudi
@00:11:33 arabia was hit the deeps
@00:12:28 attack on saudi arabia oil facilities is
@00:12:50 saudi arabia which may have been an