Watch The News Feb 18, [DS] Fighting Amongst Each Other, Tick Tock - Episode 2086b

from X22Report



@00:27:43 durham and rogers are meeting and then
@00:27:56 connecticut us attorney john durham on
@00:28:00 are important q q confirmed yes durham


@00:29:12 of john f kennedy is dead


@00:15:51 china and we've been tracking all of
@00:16:24 china and he sent e-mails back and forth
@00:16:57 actually he did travel to china with the
@00:17:12 secrets were sold to china and this


@00:19:47 map you have more than you realize and


@00:18:00 down now as we know the corona virus is
@00:18:35 out the following about this coronavirus
@00:18:48 the world for coronavirus as as as a
@00:19:25 feeling they created this coronavirus


@00:14:43 have george soros is now looking at
@00:14:48 zuckerberg and facebook and soros is

Red Cross

@00:18:39 chinese red cross has received more than
@00:18:51 friday and yet the hashtag red cross has
@00:19:11 links to post 252 and it says red cross
@00:19:33 corrupt red cross via cash donations

William Barr

@00:14:16 collapsing and now barr got rid of jesse

Deep state

@00:00:42 deep state fighting amongst each other
@00:00:50 now the deep state the ds they are in
@00:01:20 many the deep state players they are
@00:04:34 corrupt individuals in congress the deep
@00:04:36 state players the ds it looks like the
@00:06:12 the deep state has planned they never
@00:14:34 deep state players they're starting to
@00:15:21 consequences it seems that certain deep
@00:15:25 state players are not following their
@00:15:33 starting to see the deep state players
@00:17:28 work with the deep state or they're paid
@00:17:33 deep state like baghdady and we know
@00:17:52 are getting rid of the deep state paid
@00:18:23 elected individuals from the deep state
@00:31:51 have been pushing the deep state exactly


@00:18:57 china's twitter-like social media
@00:21:46 brackets in bold q gives us a twitter


@00:10:03 about fisa abuses spygate where
@00:10:14 don't like a story spygate fisa abuses
@00:11:43 any lawyers in russia fisa case despite
@00:11:48 noble about their leadership fisa court
@00:27:20 admiral rogers found out about the fisa
@00:28:13 talking about the fisa abuses post 38:23


@00:12:28 hampshire nevada new mexico minnesota


@00:14:12 michael flynn is falling apart it's


@00:19:53 sure the list of resignations remains


@00:27:36 to post 38 22 and anon put up aq proof
@00:31:24 you take the first q proof which was

Saudi Arabia

@00:29:30 know this based on earlier drops saudi
@00:29:32 arabia national guard military assets