Dec 21 News Update - UN Vote, Uranium One, Government Shutdown

from prayingmedic



@00:11:41 mccabe and bruce or and all these other
@00:15:16 know exactly what mccabe said and they


@00:05:06 uranium 1 now we know i think it was a
@00:05:32 into the clinton foundation uranium one
@00:06:10 talking about uranium one that you might
@00:06:19 uranium one when this is a story that
@00:06:55 never told them that this uranium one
@00:07:45 relation to this uranium one thing
@00:07:51 the uranium one scandal went down when
@00:07:55 uranium 1 was transferred to the russian
@00:08:48 now the spotlight is on uranium 1 and
@00:08:52 muller play in this uranium one thing
@00:09:02 and now he has to deal with uranium one
@00:09:51 that was talking about uranium 1:00 this
@00:10:17 people have raised about this uranium
@00:10:19 one thing is that uranium one did not
@00:10:22 have a license to export uranium
@00:10:30 of transferring uranium to russia or any
@00:10:35 uranium one never was given a permit by
@00:10:41 export uranium well it's true that
@00:10:45 uranium one didn't have an export
@00:10:57 license to export uranium so it is very
@00:11:03 likely that uranium was being exported


@00:14:53 public publicly available jim comey


@00:06:35 and indictments soon and what happens to
@00:07:02 going to see indictments and arrests


@00:04:48 to keep praying into that jeff sessions
@00:05:44 people are concerned about sessions
@00:19:36 righteous will prevail and jeff sessions
@00:19:40 is not sleeping jeff sessions has never
@00:19:46 been sleeping that is jeff sessions
@00:20:07 and sessions has been playing his hand


@00:03:25 no big deal in the hollywood pedophile


@00:21:38 the fisa 702 does not sunset i think