The [CB] Of [CB]s Just Hit The Panic Button, Patriots Just Hit The Globalists Hard - Episode 1986a

from X22Report



@00:07:24 aircraft to the eu australia china korea
@00:08:45 monetary fund china russia us chamber of
@00:09:41 you think is gonna happen with china why
@00:12:35 hurdle is china and guess what he will
@00:12:39 conquer china they will submit once they
@00:12:53 within china that don't worry things we


@00:08:47 commerce iran us congress wall street

Deep state

@00:12:49 individuals in the deep state that are
@00:12:51 promising certain deep state operatives
@00:13:08 these deep state players are telling us
@00:14:15 mainstream media the deep state they've