Something Big Is About To Happen & It Might Take Place At An Amusement Park - Episode 1411b

from X22Report



@00:03:34 bribery with uranium one and remember
@00:11:09 clinton the uranium one deal there's a


@00:05:03 what really happened we see twitter

false flag

@00:12:15 practice this type of false flag event

North Korea

@00:08:54 japan and south korea three nuclear
@00:09:01 doing there is they are provoking north
@00:09:03 korea right now and they're trying to
@00:09:05 get north korea to do something we see


@00:05:22 and once again there is no proof

Saudi Arabia

@00:09:34 say that saudi arabia while all this was
@00:09:52 parts and saudi arabia
@00:10:26 the coalition forces israel saudi arabia