Anaheim Subscriber Blows Lid Off Disneyland Child Trafficking

from dnajlion7



@00:07:40 epstein case i told them about your


@00:01:43 the child sex trafficking and then i had
@00:02:38 for child sex trafficking to epstein's
@00:08:09 probably a lot of child sex trafficking
@00:08:49 is being a major child sex trafficking
@00:09:29 child trafficking operation in san diego
@00:10:50 the victims and families of trafficking
@00:11:52 been used as child sex trafficking
@00:12:09 child sex trafficking so i bring all
@00:13:21 child sex trafficking again i got a lot

Able Danger

@00:01:51 the able danger crew and so now i'm back


@00:06:54 on walt disney himself being a pedophile


@00:08:39 disneyland has a complex underground


@00:08:54 border with mexico like the florida park

Timothy Holmseth

@00:01:47 support timothy home seth in minnesota