Q Shines Light On Mind Control "Therapy" Programs!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:09:55 arabia china russia that gives you an
@00:09:58 idea he brings up china russia here

Deep state

@00:11:48 because they think that the deep state
@00:11:52 don't understand how deep this thing is


@00:05:18 jack jack dorsey of course of twitter


@00:05:43 modification using mkultra and keenan is
@00:05:49 pointing you to this project mkultra
@00:08:35 yeah the therapy of the mkultra right
@00:08:48 you already know about how this mkultra


@00:02:14 of course with no proof that's because

Saudi Arabia

@00:09:53 states why why is he focused on saudi
@00:09:55 arabia china russia that gives you an