deleted Jack Posobiec DID NOT Debunk Q. All they have is Insults and Sophistry.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:50 tweets out that mccain maybe he actually
@00:06:55 mccain is probably cute right like that
@00:06:57 makes no sense why would mccain want to


@00:00:54 the cue anand pub or the cue map top hub


@00:04:12 twitter and on my face i don't even
@00:04:13 really use facebook but i use twitter a
@00:06:44 twitter guy i have a couple thousand
@00:07:38 twitter he he then you know i i
@00:07:51 a comment on his twitter which i


@00:08:48 that i was a pedophile after i beat him
@00:08:58 pedophile so this is the sort of like


@00:03:15 kind of debunking of actual proof and
@00:08:30 seen lee debunk a fake edited q proof