Q Anon - Manafort, Podesta, MAGA Movement Growing! - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 8.1.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:30:24 no name being john mccain i have a


@00:27:23 that date john brennan cia might have
@00:29:33 where mr. brennan was already pushing
@00:30:21 see the connections with uk john brennan


@00:16:50 would be soros so if you see from that
@00:17:27 saud rostral and soros not really sure


@00:32:16 comey and then of course it gets into

Deep state

@00:10:29 russia the deep state has nothing so
@00:11:56 really between the deep state mi6 the uk


@00:36:06 reddit twitter facebook etc will ban and
@00:37:12 over on twitter ipo t 1776 that's at ipo

Seth Rich

@00:20:56 of people holding up q stuff and seth
@00:20:57 rich stuff it was really really cool to


@00:31:57 boston herald link is entitled fisa
@00:32:10 it starts off talking about the fisa

Five Eyes

@00:11:58 five eyes and they were all going to try
@00:27:36 part of the five eyes we're supposed to


@00:19:06 proof showing the very very very close