deleted Donald Jeffries & Dustin Nemos on the Radicalization of the Left

from Dustin Nemos



@00:09:02 china since we're dealing with a lot of
@00:09:04 china news lately and that happened
@00:19:47 know i think that china is probably


@00:10:20 i mean coronavirus attempting to kill
@00:20:20 coronavirus 2.0 some reports are saying

Deep state

@00:09:32 deep state democrat leadership and i'm
@00:09:40 to be very aligned with the deep state
@00:09:48 versus the deep state i don't have to
@00:19:02 trump's battle with the deep state and


@00:06:49 at what twitter twitter's or what people
@00:06:51 say so many stupid things on twitter

Seth Rich

@00:13:51 tried to talk about seth rich he was