Feeling Proud To Be In This Movement

from TRUreporting



@00:15:41 our kelly sex trafficking cult what


@00:07:12 friday off the sealed indictments are

William Barr

@00:10:54 i'll listen to it though at a bar or

Deep state

@00:10:56 something but it's trey gaudi deep state
@00:16:08 the deep state your dad got murdered by
@00:16:11 the deep state julian assange coming
@00:17:38 the deep state is so deep we have more
@00:17:59 when i will talk about the deep state


@00:07:51 twitter no i did not see that i will
@00:20:40 ps guys you can talk to me on twitter to
@00:20:42 talk to me on twitter at ti i'm on there
@00:20:48 been on twitter with an old account so
@00:21:53 so subbing now on twitter homie yes you
@00:21:59 me on twitter true at true reporting you
@00:22:50 following me on twitter ad true
@00:24:10 follow me on twitter

Seth Rich

@00:15:11 really frank news okay i believe seth
@00:15:18 rich may be alive are you glad to be

false flag

@00:05:41 self-explanatory but yeah that false
@00:05:48 flag was pure just set up don't the


@00:17:52 probably busting rings pedophile rings


@00:22:19 to go out and have fun right but isaac

Pizza gate

@00:15:21 i am totally yes what woke me up pizza
@00:15:24 gate

North Korea

@00:14:35 where's kim back home and north korea


@00:13:21 that i have been hoping for proof oh
@00:15:56 with the information with the proof so