"What a Coincidence"- This New Q Proof Is TRULY Impressive!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:11:55 inspector general howard horowitz on
@00:14:30 horowitz today makes tough we're in the


@00:04:24 telling us free iran

William Barr

@00:09:20 roseanne barr and all that but then they

Deep state

@00:03:00 moment of truth and the deep state they
@00:03:09 by everything that the the deep state is
@00:04:32 this has got to make the deep state very
@00:04:36 with you the deep state does not like
@00:04:47 deep state and the clowns right with


@00:17:10 minute delta one so queuing on once

Inspector General

@00:01:09 hours remain for the inspector general
@00:11:55 inspector general howard horowitz on
@00:12:58 inspector general hearings and let's see
@00:13:53 supplied by any inspector general report

Pizza gate

@00:09:28 world that's like pizza gate on bath


@00:03:22 created their fisa warrants and you know