Q Anon: "Why was FAKE NEWS infuriated by this?"

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:00:00 tonight apparently satan has a twitter
@00:02:17 kidding to a twitter account and it's at
@00:12:22 nbc twitter page where they have a tweet
@00:27:54 quote from satan on his twitter account
@00:28:18 twitter account was referenced for a
@00:29:37 love and helped me out on twitter so if
@00:29:40 follow on twitter you guys are really
@00:29:45 find me on twitter i'm at justin
@00:29:52 on twitter give me a you know shout out


@00:06:56 with the fisa court especially the fact
@00:11:03 went into a fisa warrant against carter
@00:11:09 not go into the fisa application was not


@00:20:26 while not producing any shred of proof