Q Anon - Front and Center - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 11.6.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:13:23 george soros funding a migrant caravan


@00:02:41 yeah and then we get this twitter link
@00:04:08 it takes you to another twitter link
@00:06:55 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:11:43 all over twitter that skippy podesta
@00:12:27 for now post 24:28 we get this twitter
@00:12:33 twitter page of one praying medic
@00:14:36 pass around my my twitter thread again
@00:15:25 guess on youtube it wasn't on twitter
@00:16:26 on twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t
@00:16:44 here on twitter the rest of my links are
@00:16:59 you over here on twitter or in the next


@00:12:13 brothers grimm head to gitmo on a slow

false flag

@00:13:28 of prominent democrats being a false
@00:13:31 flag facebook says it's making strides