Everything Is Not What It Seems, The Shift Has Begun - Episode 1303b

from X22Report



@00:06:31 teams along with russia china the


@00:07:33 very very soon we see iran russia they


@00:02:44 fbi director at bi director james comey
@00:03:00 now is did comey violate the agency's
@00:04:40 comey fouled protocol and surrendered
@00:05:00 comey has been weaving a lot of it
@00:05:31 for comey right now there should be an
@00:05:34 investigation into comey and what he has

Deep state

@00:06:24 and at this time the deep state that
@00:08:54 listen intelligent agencies listen deep
@00:08:56 state you are done here
@00:11:26 at the globalist at the deep state the
@00:11:51 deep state is still control know things
@00:12:14 to remember the deep state they have
@00:14:11 the deep state go we'll have to wait and

Saudi Arabia

@00:07:42 blockade and we also see that saudi
@00:07:46 arabia bahrain united arab emirates