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from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:01:40 safeguard insurance poof kim to china
@00:02:45 to china we have trump agreeing to the


@00:12:08 women using them in sex trafficking


@00:05:45 twitter attack for the washington post
@00:08:13 worldwide twitter worldwide tracking
@00:16:05 twitter saying that trump had said what
@00:20:11 you and check out his twitter page but
@00:20:37 was pointed out here on his twitter that

false flag

@00:01:49 self false flag distractions cue now

North Korea

@00:01:10 first let's talk about north korea now
@00:01:38 what does north korea represent threat
@00:02:54 between north and south but you wouldn't
@00:02:58 if you go and you just google north
@00:03:00 korea and look at the news let's read
@00:03:10 north korea new york times trump lacking
@00:03:15 leverage over north korea takes aim at
@00:03:17 south korea salt lake tribune
@00:03:19 trump says he made free south korea
@00:03:21 trade deal for north korea european
@00:03:25 north korea a bonfire of the missiles
@00:03:30 kim jong-un in north korea and that was
@00:03:38 now new york times kim north korea
@00:03:44 card on north korea by al jazeera al
@00:04:03 north korea and there are
@00:04:10 there there north korea apologists how
@00:04:12 does kim tell north korea's giving up
@00:07:50 north korea and how they're trying to