[DS] Deploys All Assets, Trap Has Been Set, Flynn’s Calls Released, No Deals - Episode 2186b

from X22Report



@00:11:15 china or the radical left democratic
@00:15:13 with china and they're in line with many
@00:35:54 power they're cutting off china they got


@00:10:16 supreme leader of iran violate twitter
@00:33:38 officials when he discussed the iran


@00:06:57 presumed that brennan cia was more


@00:31:35 george soros there's a picture of him
@00:31:42 george soros hugh says nobody escapes
@00:31:50 soros destroying america and we know
@00:31:53 that george soros is linked into many of


@00:06:05 rosenstein it leads to comey it leads to
@00:18:32 comey obama susan rice sally yates how

William Barr

@00:15:52 and the attorney general william bar he
@00:16:07 general william barr the video images of
@00:16:54 we know that trump bill barr and the
@00:17:01 this is why trump is pushing bill barr
@00:24:35 who just finished redoing his bar these
@00:24:38 individuals came in destroyed his bar

Deep state

@00:00:40 is deep state deploys all assets trap
@00:01:22 now the deep state the mainstream media
@00:01:47 falling apart so what did the deep state
@00:03:17 events what does the deep state want
@00:07:18 around the deep state they are in
@00:07:25 situation remember the deep state right
@00:12:54 losing steam with the deep state and
@00:13:38 they have lost the narrative the deep
@00:13:41 state has lost their narrative and trump
@00:15:16 other individuals now we know the deep
@00:15:20 state their entire pandemic event it is
@00:17:10 if the deep state wanted to push their
@00:35:30 remember the deep state once people are
@00:35:32 awake the deep state they can't put them
@00:35:43 board and what is the deep state doing
@00:36:33 are now seeing the deep state this is


@00:07:40 twitter this is why trump came out with
@00:07:59 twitter rules about glorifying violence
@00:08:01 however twitter has determined that it
@00:09:19 well twitter if you're going to be
@00:10:14 question of twitter do these tweets from
@00:10:16 supreme leader of iran violate twitter
@00:11:11 this out twitter is doing nothing about
@00:11:29 twitter if they're going to start
@00:12:02 twitter and you know what the response
@00:12:08 violations of the twitter rules so why
@00:19:12 and twitter youtube they're taking them
@00:22:02 twitter is censoring it and he typed the
@00:28:26 us a twitter link to joe biden now joe
@00:29:23 us a twitter link to new york times
@00:32:05 post 4315 gives us a twitter link to
@00:32:26 it on one of my twitter posts here and

Seth Rich

@00:06:44 attorney who's been looking into seth
@00:06:46 rich and wikileaks it seems that the dni
@00:06:53 seth rich and wikileaks and it's now


@00:04:48 flynn call what better way to keep the
@00:05:32 flynn including mcadoo gordon professor
@00:30:15 what they've done to flynn when all the
@00:32:38 michael flynn and rushers ambassador to
@00:32:49 between kiss lyac and general flynn and