deleted Qanon with Antischool 2.12-13.18 - Big Pharma 'white powder' to Trump JR, Nk Nuclear Neutered

from Dustin Nemos



@00:12:37 got mccain essentially being mega
@00:31:10 media whether it's john mccain being a


@00:40:14 then i mean who you got china over there
@00:40:23 someone says i want china or russia is a


@00:38:13 they were uranium one officials
@00:47:11 uranium one officials and q is basically


@00:40:36 have the nuclear belt of iran you know

Able Danger

@00:34:16 danger but obviously they've been able


@00:07:10 i mean soros dude you never know soros


@00:23:29 why did sessions at the beginning
@00:38:31 why did sessions at the beginning

Deep state

@00:34:50 you know the deep state has her own
@00:40:47 mean this is who the deep state really
@00:48:24 think about you know the deep state
@00:48:34 turn your back on the deep state well


@00:00:12 twitter was under attack and i hadn't
@00:30:13 someone's asking about be on twitter oh
@00:32:20 about first is his twitter account b um
@00:32:23 she was prominent on twitter had about
@00:33:06 with twitter
@00:33:24 whole twitter was going completely yeah
@00:33:37 twitter twitter accounts that you go to
@00:34:21 twitter you know it's hard to say who
@00:35:04 that hard to hack the twitter right
@00:35:06 folks i mean this is a twitter account


@00:04:12 advancing you know gitmo is going to be
@00:44:46 shanghai arrests and i'm flying to gitmo
@00:45:18 gitmo yeah that's what i'm hearing
@00:45:24 flight from washington dc to gitmo i
@00:45:35 signed the eo to open gitmo you know he
@00:46:04 shanghai is at gitmo now and they're


@00:48:41 you we know she's a pedophile - really

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:03:31 us on supreme court justice ruth bader
@00:03:35 ginsburg and he is talking about flower


@00:41:04 these underground tunnels and bases are
@00:41:24 underground bases yeah it's some


@00:03:25 msm operation mockingbird he's focusing
@00:12:32 fact they're both mockingbird agents

North Korea

@00:02:00 north korea nuclear many probably means
@00:02:13 seeing us from from north korea if those
@00:02:22 that north korea's nuclear has been
@00:14:36 same flowers were present in the north
@00:14:40 korea photo with bill clinton when they
@00:14:42 sign that north korean noodle and it's
@00:15:38 all right of them in north korea you see
@00:15:42 it's the national flower of north korea
@00:16:05 destroyed in the north korea photo and
@00:31:19 flower symbolism connected to the north
@00:31:22 korea photo with bill clinton okay so
@00:40:13 would have to attack north korea and
@00:40:42 countries north korea itself has icbms i
@00:41:46 we've got this north korean fake news i
@00:41:57 north korea was the united states i mean
@00:42:00 the positive media for north korea i
@00:42:17 you're talking about north korea and has
@00:42:24 they're calling the north korean ivanka
@00:44:12 so he says ask yourself why is north
@00:44:14 korea participating in the olympic games
@00:44:18 itself north korea i mean they what is
@00:44:35 i'd say the olympics why did korea come
@00:44:39 together as a country with north and


@00:23:24 resignations plane crashes playing you
@00:38:21 resignations plane crashes plane

Saudi Arabia

@00:43:35 been a ton of stuff saudi arabia and