Did You Catch What Trump Did At The Rally, The People Now Know - Episode 1897b

from X22Report



@00:09:24 the brennan the comey mccabe struck lies
@00:20:55 hoax comey clapper mccabe muller

Human trafficking

@00:32:52 illegal content like human trafficking
@00:33:05 anything that has to do with human
@00:33:06 trafficking drugs or anything like that


@00:34:28 regards to iran he was asked about his
@00:34:31 position with iran as he left the white
@00:34:39 iran we have a lot of things going on
@00:34:41 with iran were very prepared for iran
@00:34:50 iran were prepared for them to make a
@00:35:30 people of iran they're going to be
@00:35:38 operatives inside of iran and we know
@00:35:44 dismantled in iran now the reporters


@00:05:26 don't believe crowdstrike i don't
@00:05:33 from crowdstrike


@00:29:46 trafficking and corruption trial of
@00:32:52 illegal content like human trafficking
@00:33:06 trafficking drugs or anything like that


@00:09:24 the brennan the comey mccabe struck lies


@00:09:24 the brennan the comey mccabe struck lies
@00:09:31 january 12 2019 lyin james comey andrew
@00:20:55 hoax comey clapper mccabe muller

William Barr

@00:07:34 specifically it's going to be bar
@00:07:37 because bar is in charge and actually
@00:07:46 declassifying it bar is declassifying it
@00:07:54 is doing it for political reasons bar is
@00:08:05 when bar comes out with the facts the
@00:17:35 bar except the fbi the question we need
@00:17:56 and bar all of mifsud connections to the
@00:19:14 barr couldn't unread act the grand jury

Deep state

@00:01:22 deep state actors they are pushing an
@00:05:44 major problem for the deep state why
@00:07:22 power over the deep state and everything
@00:12:33 the deep state they need to get trump
@00:16:04 but we may find them somewhere deep in
@00:16:07 the state department
@00:16:57 them deep in the state department we've
@00:17:17 the deep state was trying to hide he
@00:22:06 down at the border the deep state the
@00:22:28 that the deep state wants the in
@00:24:44 rapidly what does the deep state need
@00:35:34 fighting back against those deep state
@00:36:05 deep state operatives around the entire
@00:36:46 the deep state they have nothing at this


@00:31:49 affected facebook google twitter and


@00:20:53 about fisa targeting and the collusion


@00:22:13 built mexico is cooperating with the us
@00:24:28 done with mexico now they're policing
@00:30:14 mexico city three other mexican cities


@00:09:18 resignations and corruption yet have