deleted PLANDEMIC Part 1 Dr Judy Mikovits

from Dustin Nemos



@00:11:33 china the same lab where many people

Bill Gates

@00:09:16 letting somebody like bill gates with


@00:11:36 have said that this corona virus
@00:11:53 past in regard to corona virus if dr.
@00:16:15 emerging from the worst of the corona
@00:18:41 corona viruses corona viruses are in
@00:18:47 vaccine you were injected with corona
@00:20:31 your own reactivated coronavirus


@00:09:38 if we activate mandatory vaccines
@00:09:46 that own the vaccines and they'll kill
@00:09:51 vaccines there is no vaccine currently
@00:10:16 that's what vaccines are do you believe
@00:18:22 vaccines knowing that the flu vaccines