Boom! Barr Confirms DOJ Assessing Giuliani Ukraine Investigation Info!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:03:36 china yeah think about that in a week

William Barr

@00:03:30 attorney general bar recent speech about
@00:05:02 bill bar on monday confirmed that the
@00:05:28 yeah so bar is basically saying wow hey
@00:05:54 notice how barr is trying to sound
@00:05:56 neutral like i said yeah barr said
@00:06:10 ukraine at face value bar set for that
@00:13:29 jurisdictions bar is not done this is
@00:13:38 attorney general bar is coming out he
@00:14:01 general bar is doubling down even more
@00:15:43 are colluding with foreign nationals bar
@00:16:56 coming now sends bill barr letter
@00:19:46 general bar has acknowledged for the

Deep state

@00:00:54 the deep state that we have been waiting
@00:02:47 usual the deep state doesn't like that
@00:04:55 and the deep state doesn't like this
@00:19:41 here that's making the deep state


@00:28:07 and meet me on twitter to help support

Inspector General

@00:08:56 committee inspector general refuses to
@00:09:38 intelligence committee gave inspector
@00:09:40 general mike atkinson until friday to
@00:10:05 community inspector general declined to
@00:10:31 community inspector general michael
@00:11:36 74 inspector general demanding immediate


@00:17:59 general flynn sentencing until further
@00:18:04 to be in control flynn is technically