Luciferian World Order plus Missing TNT, Beltane & False Flags

from Amazing Polly



@00:18:21 mccabe struck


@00:18:17 justice that they should indict comey

Deep state

@00:18:03 distraction right now the deep state is
@00:19:11 for the new world order now for the deep
@00:19:13 state they're bad all of those things
@00:21:04 heat off the democrats and the the deep
@00:21:07 state and the fbi who are getting

false flag

@00:12:29 possibility that there could be a false
@00:12:32 flag attack in the united states
@00:19:43 don't think that if there is a false
@00:19:45 flag i don't think it will be at this

North Korea

@00:18:51 clinton soon to north korea and south