deleted 4.3.20 - News Behind the News with John Michael Chambers ft. DR. Sherri Tenpenny

from Dustin Nemos



@00:00:40 all things coronavirus related and dr.
@00:01:10 direct hit of the corona virus planned
@00:04:53 those following the coronavirus know
@00:06:41 the corona virus well one thing i'd like
@00:07:19 36 known corona viruses that have been
@00:07:38 by a corona virus and these have been
@00:08:45 coronavirus was sick and fully recovered
@00:11:36 cures or ways to handle the corona virus
@00:19:54 corona virus the mayor has some
@00:24:59 these corona viruses have been around
@00:26:11 to be there in the corona virus the

William Barr

@00:15:48 would be you know attorney general bar
@00:35:56 from bar rescue

Deep state

@00:06:35 deep state how would you like to
@00:16:00 well this is the deep state shining
@00:39:30 criminal investigation against the deep
@00:39:32 state who's created this mess we do have
@00:40:42 detoxification against the deep state


@00:04:50 with vaccines why is this important well
@00:05:25 and vaccines she's done hundreds and
@00:12:03 problems associated with vaccines in
@00:12:36 that vaccines are not safe they've not

Mass arrests

@00:39:18 piece of the story is mass arrests are


@00:39:40 going to be exposed and gitmo is going

false flag

@00:16:05 nasty evil clandestine planned false
@00:16:10 flag attack wreaking havoc all across


@00:25:38 just the proof of the pudding that the