Qanon - Think BDT, John Perry Barlow, Use 2 shirts Patriots!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:16:03 like we did with john mccain we knew

Deep state

@00:29:29 goodness uh yeah the deep state is at it
@00:39:20 reason why the deep state is fighting
@00:39:26 was deep state anybody who says anything


@00:00:32 2301 for october 1 it's a twitter status
@00:00:37 let's look at the twitter status from
@00:01:41 twitter like this is a larp i actually
@00:01:45 time yesterday on twitter it was the
@00:02:24 said a thousand on twitter but a
@00:03:45 then it's got to twitter statuses so
@00:06:16 i see people on twitter every day saying
@00:06:59 out over all over twitter i've got a
@00:26:25 2306 twitter let
@00:28:35 fire department said on twitter the
@00:29:41 23:06 is a twitter status from fox news
@00:29:53 twitter account of fox news and let's
@00:37:08 about somebody on my twitter the other

Red october

@00:20:02 this is not a game red october q i'm
@00:21:15 so i just thought the reference to red
@00:21:18 october was awful curious because he's


@00:35:11 wonder if it's like general flynn and
@00:35:46 general flynn but i can't prove it so


@00:24:59 mkultra okay maybe not there's all


@00:08:08 i usually future-proof spaz so i'm sure
@00:15:05 a compute proof of q q called it out
@00:36:58 is enough proof to me they don't want us