More Media Lies About Coronavirus, Cuomo Frees Satanic Pedophiles, Teen Hero Rescues Small Children

from dnajlion7



@00:16:05 nasa


@00:01:10 about how much this coronavirus is being
@00:01:28 corona virus she lives in washington
@00:03:04 patient a coronavirus patient she's
@00:03:42 empty and are treating the coronavirus
@00:04:07 week in their coronavirus coverage on
@00:05:11 coronavirus death bolt and then someone
@00:05:47 yesterday coronavirus jail break 8 sex
@00:06:09 chinese coronavirus this is so
@00:07:11 coronavirus unbelievable i don't have to
@00:08:36 more abortions during the corona virus
@00:09:26 coronavirus patients in recent days
@00:09:57 actually die from coronavirus through no
@00:10:24 imminent death from coronavirus or a
@00:10:50 coronavirus chaos in italy an accused
@00:10:56 amid the coronavirus lockdown in italy
@00:12:11 everything going down with coronavirus
@00:13:08 all this coronavirus craziness worldwide

Deep state

@00:06:17 agenda of the deep state is cuomo is a


@00:10:47 accused pedophile
@00:10:54 pedophile from australia has been
@00:13:15 pedophiles this guy alleged pedophile i
@00:14:40 probably a satanic pedophile from


@00:13:40 mexico is being hailed as a hero after
@00:14:21 mexico tried to kidnap three kids a 16