Surprise! Brand New Narrative Introduced By Michael Wolff! Here We Go Again!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:19:11 pompeyo kansas trust horowitz trust


@00:11:59 have photo unearthed of john mccain with


@00:06:58 of this of what i'm saying comey goes
@00:08:23 happening my name is james comey believe


@00:18:41 7th of 2018 if sessions and rea rdc
@00:19:08 week or two ago trust sessions trust rea
@00:19:55 sessions where it sessions had to appear

William Barr

@00:01:33 trump 2020 coin and 10 ounce silver bar
@00:10:47 bar to review the origins of the trump

Deep state

@00:18:45 swamp deep state why are they cleaning


@00:01:04 twitter account before we get started
@00:03:29 president trump twitter counts not much


@00:13:07 us-mexico border according to a customs


@00:14:46 huber investigation of clinton
@00:15:07 joe to jennifer says that john the huber
@00:15:17 says hubert hasn't even interviewed the
@00:16:05 statements saying the huber hasn't done
@00:19:14 huber so kill has been very clear about
@00:20:00 damage behind the scenes john huber has
@00:20:13 very very busy many many cases huber has