US And The Coalition Forces Push The Puppet Gov Into Libya To Begin The Offensive - Episode 920b
from X22Report
uploaded on Mar 17, 2016
@00:08:54 that was funded by george soros we know
Saudi Arabia
@00:06:43 states should stop selling arms to saudi
@00:06:45 arabia because they could be held
@00:06:51 cluster bombs and the saudi arabia
@00:14:19 saudi arabia israel and the other middle
@00:14:36 by saudi arabia producing a huge amount
@00:14:47 saudi oil price manipulation was aimed
@00:19:29 know the middle eastern countries saudi
@00:19:31 arabia turkey the us and all the other
@00:19:40 president obama will travel to saudi
@00:19:43 arabia in april to meet with the gulf