NBC, HRC & Pedophile Rings, Q Drop 2939

from dnajlion7



@00:04:49 kennedy the younger undersecretary of


@00:13:09 they map you like and a lot of other

Human trafficking

@00:11:35 human trafficking child sex trafficking


@00:11:35 human trafficking child sex trafficking

William Barr

@00:08:12 guy named bar last name bar and he was
@00:08:31 barr who's right now the attorney
@00:09:08 bar it was more about emphasizing again
@00:09:21 influence than we think on bar and the

Deep state

@00:09:13 not deep state matthew whitaker is now a
@00:10:15 he's just deep state and all this is


@00:03:09 to cover-up pedophile rings as secretary
@00:03:32 pedophile exposed by nbc now nbc did
@00:04:17 pedophilia cover up obama's pedophile
@00:05:38 known pedophile has actually been banned
@00:05:39 from the uk as a known pedophile so it's
@00:10:51 pedophile rings he's broken up in
@00:12:09 really is a satanic pedophile she's been
@00:12:12 involved these pedophile rings if you

Inspector General

@00:05:02 inspector general investigator at the
@00:05:25 inaugural worse the inspector general ig


@00:05:57 and huber that was supposed to a couple
@00:06:08 from the story huber says every one of
@00:07:42 it's not that's just where huber is