Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 748

from X22Report



@00:09:47 provoking china russia north korea iran
@00:10:57 with north korea or china arrested
@00:12:29 pacific area to what china has and if we
@00:12:32 look at this we see china has about 70
@00:12:46 at around 68 large combatants china has
@00:13:06 we can see that china with a total of
@00:13:28 they're comparing what china has
@00:13:53 they're containing china we see there
@00:13:59 warehouse in china and i believe these
@00:14:02 explosions are messages to china
@00:14:14 caused by china yes they're blaming
@00:14:16 everything on china saying this is why
@00:14:38 this point we know china and russia had
@00:15:41 africa we're fighting china right now i
@00:15:49 other different areas china is on one


@00:09:47 provoking china russia north korea iran

North Korea

@00:09:40 pushed in north korea right now we know
@00:09:47 provoking china russia north korea iran
@00:10:07 defend its close ally south korea amid
@00:10:12 the north so basically first we enraged
@00:10:16 north korea korea by staging a mock
@00:10:44 something and north korea right now
@00:10:57 with north korea or china arrested
@00:11:06 what south korea is saying right now is
@00:11:12 counter-attacks that mimic what north
@00:11:15 korea does so if they fire machine-gun
@00:11:17 south korea will fire machine gun if
@00:11:19 north korea shells them they will shell
@00:11:40 korea are staging simulated bombing amid
@00:11:44 tensions with north north korea they're
@00:15:58 north korea south korea we're already