Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 490

from X22Report



@00:00:41 russia and china because of the
@00:00:53 payment system with china creating their
@00:00:58 swift system and we see china making
@00:02:18 discoveries we understand that china
@00:19:53 china they really wreak havoc on the


@00:02:44 their programs for vaccines usually a
@00:03:41 this is about vaccines becoming
@00:03:49 about mandatory vaccines and he brought
@00:04:02 other vaccines mandatory and we see it
@00:04:28 date in your vaccines and it looks like
@00:05:46 what's in these vaccines we don't even
@00:05:57 these vaccines okay now in nigeria we

false flag

@00:20:03 of drill sometimes there is a false flag

North Korea

@00:07:53 understand in north korea the leader is
@00:08:24 north korea saying they are not getting


@00:09:30 and found proof that kiev is getting
@00:12:14 have to ask where is the proof they have

Saudi Arabia

@00:16:51 not to back assad well saudi arabia