Q AN0N: Latest New Posts - "Assets in place."

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:23:44 people point out that mccain is the
@00:23:51 mccain as we all know and they called
@00:24:28 john mccain defines american values they
@00:24:45 was talking about how john mccain is
@00:24:59 what you think about mccain but this is


@00:24:32 of sellout to china and sell out to the


@00:03:16 with iran and that basically this is a
@00:03:30 despise iran and they're gonna try to
@00:03:53 destroy iran being one of
@00:04:00 see iran as a clear and present danger
@00:04:11 excuse me although iran has not been at
@00:04:25 inside iran that are supporting radicals
@00:06:22 of people don't trust iran well i'm here
@00:06:35 out for iran and the the king of saudi
@00:07:05 iran has new cap what about israel
@00:12:15 us in iran okay so this is ben rhodes
@00:12:26 the iran deal argue it should be
@00:12:28 even though iran is complying because of
@00:12:31 something iran did before the deal and
@00:12:36 to prevent iran from doing those things
@00:12:44 administration gave iran everything up
@00:14:03 whole iran conflict this is all about a
@00:14:40 it's very similar to somewhere like iran
@00:15:24 in my opinion with iran saying basically
@00:16:32 with iran so we're going in we're
@00:17:00 going into this iran renegotiation with
@00:17:11 iran deal and then trump has to decide
@00:17:40 this picture that iran is actively
@00:17:42 running a nuclear program now is iran
@00:18:42 happening here with the the iran nuclear
@00:22:48 country just like the iran thing that we


@00:23:29 trust james comey and he thinks he's a


@00:02:15 columbia charging awan and his wife hina

Deep state

@00:06:02 united states where you have the deep
@00:06:05 state going up against trump and what


@00:23:24 and it gives this twitter post from

false flag

@00:07:11 what about uss liberty use false flag

North Korea

@00:15:31 is when we're talking about north korea


@00:24:06 all alleged - there's no proof to back

Saudi Arabia

@00:03:22 war that is wanted by saudi arabia and
@00:03:48 saudi arabia and other countries at bay
@00:04:36 countries such as saudi arabia as we
@00:04:43 saudi arabia so this is not some game
@00:06:21 of people don't trust saudi arabia a lot
@00:06:35 out for iran and the the king of saudi
@00:06:38 arabia is looking out for saudi arabia
@00:17:27 obviously saudi arabia and israel have