President Trump Shows Who Is Alpha At G7 / Anthony Bourdain-Kate Spade / George Soros

from TRUreporting



@00:00:04 soros panicking i'll be talking about
@00:00:43 one person in particular george soros as
@00:00:48 the daily caller george soros complains
@00:00:57 states george soros recently laminated
@00:01:42 destroy the world oh my god soros has
@00:02:01 soros is falling into pieces over it

Deep state

@00:20:12 the deep state hub that was once there's


@00:02:43 twitter and was just blown away by what
@00:13:25 aaron rich attorney subpoenaed twitter
@00:13:28 twitter sent out a notices to several
@00:18:28 yeah trump takes to twitter talking

Seth Rich

@00:13:20 rich story would resurface in june we
@00:13:23 need justice for him q and on seth rich
@00:13:36 fairbanks jordan saylor says q seth rich
@00:14:01 seth rich seth rich jun julian assange


@00:11:10 right here known pedophile very close to

Pizza gate

@00:00:17 bit of pizza gate on today's true
@00:03:04 pedophilia camp or pedophilia ring pizza
@00:03:08 gay pedo gate is was he in the in on
@00:11:37 the skin of dead children pizza gate is

North Korea

@00:19:44 north korea in the world it will
@00:20:15 no it's been removed and now north korea


@00:01:57 more proof of cue you know they never