deleted Q Responds to Twitter's Purge. Jordan Demands Indictments in Obamagate

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:17 you know possibly durham is already


@00:03:25 was a little accident in china as a
@00:07:54 afraid of what china will do to them we
@00:08:00 compared to those in china
@00:08:16 to come back home to china and face
@00:08:19 justice for speaking out against china
@00:19:11 foreign adversaries like china


@00:02:30 and then this soros funded activist


@00:00:01 now jim jordan is demanding indictments
@00:05:20 must be indictments
@00:05:50 until those indictments come

Deep state

@00:00:28 dirty secrets of the deep state
@00:01:01 plus it deep cleans and destroys acne to
@00:01:05 the deep state has its secrets i have
@00:06:42 to multiple arrests of deep state


@00:09:26 and twitter is coordinating this with
@00:11:39 on twitter i'm i'm permabanned i've had
@00:11:46 get back on twitter when i get a chance
@00:17:40 to stay on twitter


@00:05:45 flynn so it's really just a matter of
@00:08:35 kind of discussing general flynn coming