deleted Q Posts - Barr (Stealth Bomber) To Be Targeted. Cruz FISA Abuse Drop Soon!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:02:55 durham public statements past week
@00:02:59 durham start hugh start remember they
@00:03:11 spotless record he appointed durham the
@00:03:23 confirm so we also have durham start


@00:03:02 started the same day sessions which
@00:03:16 so sessions may just indeed be in on the
@00:05:53 with sessions now hugh says public

William Barr

@00:05:08 barr has made in the past week that have
@00:05:33 coordinated attacks on bar coming smear
@00:05:40 that bar the stealth bomb

Deep state

@00:01:00 detoxification against the deep state


@00:00:22 which were the fisa investigations that
@00:01:37 regards to the fisa warrants and i just
@00:01:42 already mentioned fisa warrant approved
@00:01:55 targeted for fisa surveillance plus uk
@00:03:43 non-public prior and then cruise fisa
@00:03:54 so we have the fisa warrants abusing the
@00:03:58 fisa warrant system and the fisa court


@00:01:46 page and flynn he talked about how the
@00:07:13 papadopoulos paige and flynn stuff here