"Partial" vs. "Full" - Examining Disclosure with Secret Space Programs & Pedogate

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:15:09 and it doesn't implicate the gop mccain

Human trafficking

@00:10:50 this topic pedo gate human trafficking
@00:13:32 sex abuse it's human trafficking its


@00:06:11 outside anything nasa has ever claimed

Las Vegas

@00:15:35 that like this las vegas false flag
@00:16:38 all of this doesn't come out las vegas


@00:10:50 this topic pedo gate human trafficking
@00:13:32 sex abuse it's human trafficking its
@00:13:34 child sex trafficking she was going at
@00:14:08 sex trafficking for sacrificial purposes


@00:19:14 guys that have purchased some sessions

Deep state

@00:05:48 that the deep state makes and their
@00:10:53 the ritual sacrifice that the deep state
@00:14:23 the deepest of deep state elite some of


@00:01:57 disclosure of vaccines cancer cures

false flag

@00:15:32 noted that the false flags were seeing
@00:15:35 that like this las vegas false flag


@00:05:57 projects and even underground bases and