"Trust Sessions" Proven Right AGAIN As Storm Rolls On

from Truth and Art TV



@00:16:14 are dying and people like andrew mccabe


@00:11:07 where you have andrew mccain begging for


@00:07:21 indictments are coming up so jeff
@00:11:15 as criminal indictments prepared and i


@00:03:34 sessions right
@00:03:44 between trust sessions and trust a plan
@00:04:12 tonight with respect to trust sessions
@00:04:22 drop about sessions that kyun on right
@00:04:31 potus does potus trust sessions to
@00:04:41 reconcile would sessions be attorney
@00:05:31 attacking the phrase trust sessions and
@00:05:49 sessions delivers department of justice
@00:06:32 today thanks to sessions i also want to
@00:06:47 policies sessions starting to sound like
@00:06:51 trump yeah sessions
@00:07:07 sessions goes on hiring spree over over
@00:07:24 sessions is lining himself up with the
@00:07:28 plan the actor jeff sessions and i'm
@00:07:50 to doubt sessions and throw out your
@00:16:26 park with the trust sessions triggering
@00:16:30 comment and when you have sessions on

Deep state

@00:04:46 general still if he were deep state if
@00:04:50 deep state yeah think about that my
@00:05:58 chief as deep state leaker now many of
@00:11:57 to confuse the deep state
@00:12:15 the deep state actors running for cover
@00:12:25 confusing the deep state i believe this
@00:13:21 throw the deep state off but i
@00:15:04 deep state and pull as some say a kanye
@00:15:09 west against the deep state who knows
@00:16:57 his plan and things are and the deep
@00:17:00 state is on their toes with their backs

Inspector General

@00:10:52 have trump birthday surprise inspector
@00:10:55 general report released set for june
@00:11:38 the inspector general report being


@00:06:24 this fisa search warrant based on

North Korea

@00:12:35 singapore summit with north korea and