Current Economic Collapse News Brief - Episode 834

from X22Report



@00:11:54 china has some ships in the area the
@00:12:21 now china is on board with this saying


@00:08:38 defense system the s-300 to iran right


@00:09:21 trafficking of illegal isis crude

false flag

@00:05:42 hoaxes some of them are false flags now
@00:05:46 false flag doesn't mean people do not
@00:08:18 will see some type of false flag event
@00:13:16 false flag in san bernardino where we
@00:16:42 of these type of false flag events which
@00:16:48 a false flags / hoax
@00:17:06 this right here most likely is a false
@00:17:11 flag where they come in and they will
@00:22:13 they're preparing for the next false
@00:22:14 flag to reinforce what we've seen and
@00:22:34 this last false flag is doing what they

Saudi Arabia

@00:15:27 he was making a trip to saudi arabia and
@00:15:33 days in saudi arabia in the summer of
@00:15:34 2014 according to the saudi embassy in
@00:20:52 saudi arabia has the stabilizing role in
@00:20:58 people were from saudi arabia they're
@00:21:01 bringing up saudi arabia and it looks
@00:21:03 like they might be using saudi arabia as
@00:21:08 know saudi arabia doesn't do anything
@00:21:13 know that saudi arabia takes their